
Everyone needs some assistance now and then. When people need medical assistance, it might be on an urgent or routine basis. Some people that need to see a doctor, go to therapy, or move between medical facilities can’t do so on their own. This is when non-emergency medical transportation services can step in and help. And these services are surprising cost-effective options. 

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation is a Cost-Effective Option

Many people are reluctant to seek the medical care they need or ask for help with transportation because of financial fears. If you don’t have full medical coverage or don’t fully understand coverages, this is a reasonable fear. Some medical costs can be outrageously expensive. 

But non-emergency medical treatment shouldn’t be so costly that people aren’t able to see their provider or move from one facility to the next. In fact, most of these services are much more affordable than many realize. 

A non-emergency ambulance service already has access to everything a patient would need to be comfortable and safe. There is no need to purchase or rent a gurney or wheelchair for simple medical transportation. The company already has those items as well as access to oxygen and attendants that understand how to get clients to their destination safely. 

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Can Be Covered by Insurance

What many people fail to realize is that non-emergency medical transportation can be covered by insurance. If the transportation meets the criteria of being a medical necessity, insurance or Medicare will cover all or part of the cost of the service. 

There are various reasons why a person might need non-emergency medical transportation:

  • A patient needs continuous monitoring while being transported. 
  • A patient uses a wheelchair which cannot get into a standard car or truck.
  • A patient uses complex medical equipment such as a ventilator. 

Transportation to medical check-ups, outpatient procedures, and post-op check-ups would all be considered medically necessary and covered by insurance. In some cases, you may need documentation from the ordering physician to justify the transportation to your insurance company. 

Looking for Quality Non-Emergency Medical Transporation? 

If you need expert non-emergency medical transportation in South Carolina or the Jacksonville, FL area, find out how MedTrust can help. We are the premier provider of high-quality services in these markets and care deeply about the health, safety, and experience of our customers. Contact us today for more information about our services or to find out how you can become a member of our team.